
borrowed atoms (1998)

borrowed atoms
2CD : Released December 1998: Centaur Discs : CENCD 025

disc one:

1. Plastered In Paris (17.07)
2. Rite Of Spring (17.13)
3. Borrowed Atoms (16.05)
4. Horizon (18.37)

Disc Two:

1. Build (30.27)
2. Blakey Ridge (19.30)
3. 30 Years (16.21)

purchase: discogs / amazon

BORROWED ATOMS the fifth official release by Radio Massacre International has already been dubbed "The last word on this style of improvised electronic music" by a man who has heard all there is to hear. His frightening inference is that with such a perfect achievement where can it go from here? We'll think of something and meanwhile invite you to digest this nutritious feast of dark soundscapes and dancing sequencers. 'Borrowed Atoms' marks a return to extended exploration for R.M.I.. Opening with the only composed piece on the album, disc one of this mammoth work continues with what would have been a further three crackly album sides in the bad old days of vinyl. Three 16-18 minute pieces explore familiar territory with an eye on the definitive. The first tune on the second part of the set suggests that the quest for the perfect building sequencer performance may finally be over. The dark and bleak landscape of 'Blakey Ridge' gives way to '30 years' and the collection closes with a distinct air of nostalgia.

radio massacre international's sound defies categorization it is more magical than musical. the music is, first and foremost, improvisational. it is loose in structure but also searching. r.m,i. is all about generating the happy accidents that occur at the ever-changing intersection of multiple moving bodies. when two sequences converge fascinating things happen opening rhythmic and textural options that just moments before were closed to view. it is the creation and exploration of those options that dominates what r.m,i. does in its music.