Download : Released September 2020 : Northern Echo Recordings
2. Echoes (44.30)
3. the ghost of baz ('planets..' uncut, no guitar) (42.39)
4. echoes (uncut, no guitar) (60.58)
5. friday the 13th (52.01)
purchase: bandcamp
disc 1 of this set, if you're rolling your own, is the originally published album in its final form, with the guitar parts added separately in manchester, not the first time we'd worked this way, but the first time it had been planned. thus, when you hear the unedited versions of the two tracks (discs 2 & 3) without the guitar, you may sense that we were leaving room for the guitar parts that came later. that said, there's a peculiar noise, unidentified to date, on the piece that became 'planets...', which at the time we called 'the ghost of baz' because it sounded like the sort of interjection gary would've made, had he been there. there's also a noise that sounds like a digital glitch; it's not, it's the sound of a can being opened next to the mic we had open in the room.
'friday the 13th' (disc 4) was something of a dry-run for these sessions, basically trying out the korg multitrack with the keyboards & sequencers spread out across eight tracks instead of straight to stereo. in the end it made little difference to the result, though it was good practice for a later collaboration with ian boddy.