
galactic furnace (2024)

galactic furnace
2CD : Released October 2024: Cuneiform Records: RUNE 537/538

disc one:

1. Galactic Furnace Part 1 (23.57)
2. Galactic Furnace Part 2 (36.00)

Disc Two:

1. Galactic Furnace Part 3 (60.19)

radio massacre international's sound defies categorization it is more magical than musical. the music is, first and foremost, improvisational. it is loose in structure but also searching. r.m,i. is all about generating the happy accidents that occur at the ever-changing intersection of multiple moving bodies. when two sequences converge fascinating things happen opening rhythmic and textural options that just moments before were closed to view. it is the creation and exploration of those options that dominates what r.m,i. does in its music.